Khamis, 20 Ogos 2009

selamat berpuasa!

BBQ lastnight dirumahh well..okeh laa na jua siuk bnr just jiemoh`s friend..=D back from school saying `hai` to bamm.. and and si acap pun mauu2 jua kna tagur which is aku alum biasa bahh sma siacap ignore him.. ahahha then then dah tuu okeh jua laa chatted with him..panatt bahh.. apa lagi si bamm ahhaha...mann,im so tired dmlm tu eii.. lots thing to do.. and tidur ku un alum ckp haha cant sleep lastnight pasall bnyamuk nthh dri mna kh dtg nya nyamuk ahh and and i forgot to wash my feet xp heheh..padan laa payah kn tdurr.. at 4am i guess bru th nyaman tdr x laa.. at 6am si dalenk da mc hehe its put a BIG SMILE nth cam bemimpi jua ahh ahha snyum2 ahh heheh..ILOVEYOUCUPCAKEEII x= so i texted him saying thnks bout the crdt and how much ilovehim ahha *jiwang eii* ohh ya kaja..later text i say. then leave my phone jauh jauh.. hahaha..
rush to gmah`s room.. text si ajeed.. mseh kh ya tdur or inda.. weii awl ya bgun ahh.. ajeed sleepover msk tarus2 kbilik pae lain jua rasa nya drg pae nada.. they go to wasai pagi2 lagii they leave him alone di bilik nya hahah...at9am bru ajeed balik..=D hvng fun last night? hmm noot really p yg psl ceta2 antu tuu siukk hahaha..
should i get my nap or doing my hwk ahh??cam mls jua kn buat both ahh..but hell yeahh hwk kuu bykk waa.. eshh..and olevel na lagi bthh.=s

eii,esuk! puasa! !...i dont think im ready for fasting tmmrow hee..gila eii.. =s

till next pose..yeah,blog ku lame juaa masehh..

Isnin, 17 Ogos 2009

hello people!! and morning!!! aku rindu si aqmall waa eii!! hahaha *sakit* okeh what happened last night?? ohh, i went to stdm watch DPMM with ajed,apes,wae,muiz and and kwn2 drg laa jua.. well,,its funn mann.. 3-2 DPMM manang and and aha apess relex relex wa liat bula ahh ani emosii aahah you so funny..relex waa eii hahaha.. we went to stdium at 7.++ and balek at 11 lalu.. nglehh! back home i show my dad the tckt ahha na ya pcaya krgg hahah DAMN!.
then then i help my mom prepre brg2 untk esuk nya i mean todayy because ahha urg order baby bunn..nglehh kuu eii!!! at round 12 ++ bru tdur.. tu pun ahha nthh eii i really miss someone.. and im tired counting sheep in my mind ahah PACAH!!
ohh, i wake up at 7++tarus ke dapur biasaa helping my mom lagii mbuat bunn..ahha soberr eii awl bgun ahh..eii fasting month na lagi bthh weii,aku planning kn sleepover ditutong at ka ann`s crib..ahha boring waa drmh sjaa kn?kn?

HELL YEAH! my blog look lamee!! kan kann? uhh, i`ll update soon..*malas*

p/s: wae! thnks soto muu ah =D

Isnin, 10 Ogos 2009

im so in love that i acted insane... hahahha..
baby iloveyouu eii..=x

ohh..morning guys!! =D i wake up earlyy eheheh bahh back to sleep lagi xp
hahah panat eii...

weei..i thought mata ku ani yg sakit eheheh ruparupa nya jerbuu brunei anii .. okey its bcome worst kn bnafas pun payahh.. andd yeahh! people yg babal ahh stop smoking waa.. jn th buang dimerata rata tmpt siann abg bomba waa tuu hutann byk angus sudahh ahh ahhahaa.. man..when its will be end.. kn buat actvty outdoor pun pyh sudahh musin jerbu ani and and its very HOT lagii.. like spotlight basar waa sun ahh.. panas*kiapkiapkiap* ahhaha.. gila eii macam ani eii ahh..i miss rain!! waaa..hujan thh waa.. kepanas kuu siang2 atuu =s hahahaha...*sakit*

okeh stop about the hazey ahh..i`ve crazy night todayy.. waaa..cant believe it im falling in love lagii x= ahahah *uii!!jc 14 iloveyouu bahh!!!* eheheh..hes mine sudahh hmm just now hahaha.. should i be excite bout it??hmm nthh aha happy juaa p camm ahha nth eii susah kn ckp.. p yg penting hes love mee.. =s*maluu eii* hahaha...ilovehimjugakk ahha majal..indaa wa abth sudahh single ahh ingat kn jadi jamblo slama nya eheh ....<3 AH!

ohh i made chessy nachos with jiemouh tadii..well, nyaman plgg apa jiemouh sja abis kn uhhh..aku sikit sjaa =( ahhaha ei eii i made itt with love tuu ahh ahahha urg khayal waa.. xp *sekadar*

gosh!! my blog lame eii.. im not actve blog-ing lagii nii kamuu ehehe mls sudahh bahh actlly byk plg lagi kn diceta kann but im tired and takut krg na abis abis ceta kuu kboringan kamu krg hahahaha...okeh guys till next post..
have a nice dayy guys!jan lupa pakai mask musim jerbu anii and and H1N1 ahhaha..

p/s: loveAQMALHAKEEM xp *sudaahh pijahh jan majall!* ahhaha